Weldon Swann (Greater Frisco Area Director)
After 35 years of teaching and coaching in public education, the Lord next called me to serve Him through the ministry of FCA in the western part of Collin County. I have enjoyed that privilege since 2016. Throughout my coaching career, I saw countless lives of athletes and coaches impacted for Christ through FCA, one of which was mine. I count it a tremendous blessing and responsibility to serve Him through the ministry that has meant so much to me personally. My wife, Lisa, and I have many precious “FCA memories” and our children, Elizabeth, Madilyn, Jake, and Hayden grew up around the ministry and attended FCA camps during their childhood. My heart’s desire now is to see more coaches and athletes become disciples who make disciples and watch God use their influence to transform the world.
My ministry efforts are possible because of the faithful prayer and financial support of donors. I ask you to prayerfully consider joining my support team. Know that your kindness and generosity are truly appreciated. Together we can continue to reach both athletes and coaches through FCA and advance His Kingdom until He comes.